Cambridge PET Speaking Part 2 Tips

Cambridge PET Speaking Exam Part 2

In this part of the speaking exam, you need to work with your partner to make a decision.  You are presented with a situation where you need to discuss a few options and then choose one of them.

Here's an example:

"A girl is going to spend two weeks living with a family in England to improve her English.  She has put the clothes she needs in her bag.  Talk together about the other things she will need to take, and say which will be the most important."

First of all, think about what each picture represents.  Can you think of the right words for each picture?  Can you think of a reason why each would be a good idea (or a bad idea)?  Can you explain it to your partner?

Now, think about some useful language when discussing the decision you have to make.

Shall I start, or will you?
Would you like to start, or shall I?

I think that ...... would be a good idea because ......
She could .......
If she ......... then ........ (1st or 2nd conditional)

What do you think about ......?
How about ......?

So, which shall we choose, then? 
Which do you think would be best?
Shall we go for that one?

OK, we agree.  That's the one we'll choose then.
Right, let's go for that one, then.
OK, we've both got our own ideas - let's leave it at that, then.
Shall we agree to disagree, then?

Exam technique:
You should keep speaking until the examiner asks you to stop.
Keep asking your partner what they think and listen to them.  Try to reply to what they say (show that you are really listening).
Remember that you won't only be marked on grammar, vocabulary and prounciation but also on Interactive Communication and Discourse Management.

Try these examples:
Sample PET Part 2 Questions


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