
Showing posts from April, 2021

Roleplay hw

 Instructions: We're preparing for a roleplay, where some students will play the role of a UK Home Office (UK Government) Interviewer and others will play the role of asylum seekers (people from other countries who want to be recognised as refugees). Here are instructions for each role: Role 1: Home Office Interviewer You should ask the person why they think they qualify as a refugee. Your main objective is to find out if the person is presenting a false story. You should be like a detective in a TV series, so it's OK to be aggressive and tell the person that you think they are lying. Ask detailed questions about everything the person tells you. Keep asking "Why" or "Why didn't you....?" You must ask about all of the following topics: Why did the person leave their country? Do they have a criminal record? (Remember lots of dissidents could have a criminal record). Have they been attacked / imprisoned by the government? Their political position  Their


5L Int Orgs

06/05 one americans activist? International coordinate body all the others ONG's their main strength is the experience It's capacity social media Even if its part of the organisation, its not very transparent. 10 millions of dollars is a low amount of money What Greenpeace does its not well taken by governments. Energy is producted Supports Stolkhome convention which promotes pollutants which contains DDT which is carcinogenic. peaceful turbines money could 29/4/21 defense by parties responsible of if one country is attacked the other one has to defend it the crisis in other country an attack from terrorist organisation during the 2014 under the 1 percent the role is changed ?paved the way?  ?paid NATO’s way (for financing) less developed respect to Germany of France as much countries as possible intervent NATO didn’t conducted some military operations The first ones were on 1990 and 1991. The Iraq The 1992 Twins tower Nato invoke article 5 a pact of defense pronunciation counc


  Asylum slides Ideas for questions Ideas for stories