Roleplay hw


We're preparing for a roleplay, where some students will play the role of a UK Home Office (UK Government) Interviewer and others will play the role of asylum seekers (people from other countries who want to be recognised as refugees).

Here are instructions for each role:

Role 1: Home Office Interviewer

You should ask the person why they think they qualify as a refugee. Your main objective is to find out if the person is presenting a false story. You should be like a detective in a TV series, so it's OK to be aggressive and tell the person that you think they are lying. Ask detailed questions about everything the person tells you. Keep asking "Why" or "Why didn't you....?"

You must ask about all of the following topics:

Why did the person leave their country?

Do they have a criminal record? (Remember lots of dissidents could have a criminal record).

Have they been attacked / imprisoned by the government?

Their political position 

Their family

Their journey - have they passed through another safe country?

Invent as many questions as possible for each topic

Here is an example of some questions that you could ask someone who says that they were attacked by the police:

When did this happen? Which day of the week was it? Who attacked you? How many people were there? What did they do? Do you have photographs of your injuries? Do you have a hospital report? Did you report the attack to the authorities? Why did the police do this? Are you a criminal? 

After you have questioned the person for 10 minutes you need to decide if they will be accepted as a refugee.

Role 2 - Asylum Seeker:

To prepare for your interview with the government interviewer, you need to think about your story - you can get some ideas from the links below. Remember that you will only qualify as a refugee if you have "a well-founded fear of persecution because of political opinion, religion, race, nationality, membership of a particular social group AND you cannot get protection in your own country". Also remember that if you have passed through another safe country, the UK government can obligate you to return there.

The interviewer will ask you lots of questions during the 10 minute interview. If you make errors or get confused during the interviewer, it could look like you are presenting a false story. Think carefully about the details of your story: Dates, specific places, specific people's names.

You can get some inspiration from these stories, or from your own research on the internet.


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