
Complete the notes

Part 1 (0:00 - 3:25)

King Tutankhamen died at the age of __________ but started to rule when he was _______ years old.  

Due to the fact that ___________ of people were visiting the Valley of the Kings, the Egyptian government was concerned. The Getty Institute wanted to focus on the problem of ________ coloured _______ spots. 

In modern times, even though many experts, including philologists, ____________ and architects work on archaeological expeditions, the most important job on an is that of the ___________. The important thing about conservation is that it has to be _________ and ___________. To be useful, artefacts must be recorded, __________ and conserved in the right way. One problem is that the walls at the site are very _____________ and __________.

Part 2: (3:25 - 7:00)

The first stage of conservation is __________ ______________ . Microscopy is used to discover the __________ that make up a painting. Photographs are taken using different types of light, including _________ and __________ light to understand which materials were used because different materials _________ ____________ under different light sources.

The second stage is to understand the ___________ to the painting. Tutankhamun's tomb is unique because it has brown spots which are caused by _____________ growth. We don’t know exactly why they developed but it might be connected to the _______________ of the burial. The team compared photographs taken at the time of the excavation by _______________ with modern photographs. Surprisingly, they discovered that there was ___ _________ in the number of spots between the original excavation and today. Because the spots grow into the paintings they ______ _____ removed.  

Part 3: (7:00 - end)

The high numbers of visitors that come to the site cause problems by bringing ______ on their clothes and shoes. Tourists also cause problems by increasing ________ and _________ levels in the tombs. A new _____________ system which filters the air was installed to deal with this problem.  

Finally, the Getty Institute wants to _______________ the information that has been learned. They recognise that the project will finish and the ___________ people are the ones who are responsible for the tombs.


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