
Showing posts from November, 2018

Possible Prompts for Immigration Debate

Some statements for a debate on immigration:   As a woman I am not allowed to express myself and my opinions in my home country, I am compelled to leave and seek asylum so that I can stand for my opinions and be myself.   I’m not a racist, but if I accept migrants in my country, they should learn our language, and our culture.   I think there’s enough unemployment in this country, and we should not allow more migrants in.   Everyone must have the right to go wherever they want to go.   In our society you only “exist” when you’re officially regularised.   All migrants without papers are irregular and should be sent back. Charities that operate rescue boats in the Mediterranean encourage illegal immigration Immigrants should stay permanently in the first safe country that they reach. Immigrants that arrive in Europe should be able to choose the European country they want to settle in. Uncontrolled immigration leads to criminality. We should only accept immigran

Cambridge PET Speaking Part 2 Tips

Cambridge PET Speaking Exam Part 2 In this part of the speaking exam, you need to work with your partner to make a decision.  You are presented with a situation where you need to discuss a few options and then choose one of them. Here's an example: "A girl is going to spend two weeks living with a family in England to improve her English.  She has put the clothes she needs in her bag.  Talk together about the other things she will need to take, and say which will be the most important." First of all, think about what each picture represents.  Can you think of the right words for each picture?  Can you think of a reason why each would be a good idea (or a bad idea)?  Can you explain it to your partner? Now, think about some useful language when discussing the decision you have to make. STARTING THE CONVERSATION: Shall I start, or will you? Would you like to start, or shall I? DISCUSSING AN OPTION: I think that ...... would be a good idea because ......

Resources on Anti-Italianism

Lots of detail here: A summary here in PowerPoint form: Powerpoint

An Immigration Incident

(Tip: To help you with speed reading, try this website's free teleprompter: Free Teleprompter Immigrants from a certain country had to confront a wave of virulent prejudice and nativist hostility. As immigration from that region of the world increased to its highest level, anti-immigrant feeling increased along with it. There was an economic crisis, and immigrants were accused of taking jobs. At the same time, newspapers circulated theories alleging that people from that region were genetically inferior. Drawings and songs that portrayed the new immigrants as infantile, criminal, or subhuman became very common. One cartoon claimed that “If immigration was properly restricted, you would never be troubled with anarchism, and problems like that!” Attacks on those immigrants were not limited to the words, however. Anti-immigrant movements appeared around the country. Religious buildings were vandalised and burned, and people were attacked by mobs. In one decade, more than 20 of